Are bipolar and depression similar?

WebMD helps you fix this and stay healthy. Researchers often specialize in unipolar or bipolar disorder, and cross-fertilization between these two areas has been slower than ideal, despite some notable exceptions. That is, a poorly regulated biological system should be reflected in more rapid changes in symptoms; congruently, bipolar disorder is associated with a younger age of onset, faster recurrence, and mood variability than unipolar depression. Coyne, 2000), these problems are magnified for the study of depression and mania within bipolar disorder.

In their fundamental capacity as licensed healthcare providers, several types of NPs, including family NPs, adult NPs, and those with specialized psychiatric training, such as mental health psychiatric NPs (PMHNPs), manage patients with depressive symptoms. Depressed mood represents the majority of the time patients with bipolar disorder go unwell (Figure (Forte et al. In the literature on anxiety and depression, most people conceptualize non-comorbid and comorbid depressions as parallel, with additional risk factors explaining the presence of comorbid anxiety. Perhaps rather than dividing mood disorders into unipolar and bipolar depression, the field would be better served by examining depression, regardless of comorbid mania.

We argue that future research should focus on syndromes separately by comparing unipolar depression and unipolar mania. Research also suggests that an imbalance or malfunction in two brain chemicals called serotonin and norepinephrine is common in people with bipolar disorder. Importantly, when recurrence rates are similar, NE and MHPG plasma levels, urinary MHPG levels, and neuroendocrine abnormalities associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis are remarkably similar in bipolar II and unipolar depression (Altshuler et al. Classifying depression and anxiety as separate disorders has benefited understanding of the separate processes involved in each of them.

In many cases, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder may not occur for many years, as the treating professional will likely only see the client when they feel depressed. However, none of these studies compared the effects of cognitive variables for unipolar and bipolar depression. If you think you might have bipolar disorder, it's important to discuss your concerns with a mental health expert and work closely with them to arrive at the right diagnosis. In addition, psychiatric comorbidities complicate the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder, suggesting that patients with comorbidities may receive better collaborative care service from primary care professionals and psychiatric specialists.

We begin by describing the literature on dopamine and norepinephrine activity in unipolar and bipolar depression, and then we describe the evidence for the regulation of these transmitters.

LaToya Weitze
LaToya Weitze

Amateur internet scholar. Incurable internet evangelist. Extreme travel geek. Infuriatingly humble beer evangelist. Bacon evangelist.

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